Classes are held on a whole list of subjects:
8th grade (preparation for the OGE, USE, school curriculum): Russian language, Mathematics, Physics, History,
English, German, Chinese
Grade 9 (preparation for the OGE): Russian, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science and ICT, Social Studies,
History, English, German, Chinese
Grade 10 (preparation for the Unified State Exam): Russian, basic mathematics, Specialized mathematics, Physics,
Computer Science and ICT, Social Studies, History, English, German, Chinese
11th grade (preparation for the Unified State Exam) : Russian, basic mathematics, Specialized mathematics, Physics,
Computer Science and ICT, Social Studies, History, English, German, Chinese
but! We are ready to organize a course at your request, because university teachers, attracted
OGE and USE specialists have extensive knowledge and are ready to help in this matter.
Each course is developed in accordance with the requirements of the FIPI, the Federal State Educational Standard, and the results of entrance
testing for each Student. You can always check in more detail with Evgenia, as well as with the
teacher – by writing through the course tab, on WhatsUp, Telegram, in the VK community.
Classes are held in one of the selectable options:
option 1 – live online classes with a group, in tutor mode. The maximum occupancy
of the group is from 4 to 20 people, depending on the subject, program and teacher. The teacher
explains the topic, asks the children if everything is clear, calls them to the online blackboard to solve
problems, and analyzes the tasks together. Personal consultations with everyone are also provided,
depending on the type of course chosen. After each assignment, there is a mandatory homework assignment,
to secure the disassembled material. 2-3 samples during the academic year. Classes
are scheduled, supervised by Evgenia.
Option 2: self-study of materials, classes on the record, webinars, tests. The opportunity
to ask a question in a chat with a teacher to get feedback. Automatic homework
assignments, with automatic verification, regular testing. All materials are added to
your personal account. Evgenia also controls the process, recalls.
Both options are optimal for preparation, it all depends on the level of self-organization of each
the child and the level of residual knowledge at the time of the start of classes.
Homework is always! The frequency of the tests depends on the level of knowledge of the Students, sometimes even
the multiplication table must be repeated before each lesson, and sometimes it is required only after
analyzing the topic. Also remember – during the course, 203 trial OGE or USE are conducted – for the same
consolidation of the material passed.